The clinical and research nephrology trainees have chosen Dr. Susan Hogan as the 2012-2013 Maestro award winner.
One of the most important aspects of teaching, and one of the most difficult in which to truly excel, is mentoring. Susan is an excellent mentor. She provides advice on professional development, helping us to set goals for obtaining career development awards and academic faculty positions. Susan’s expertise in grant writing and grant review is invaluable, and her thoughtful reviews of manuscripts, master’s papers, dissertation proposals, presentations and grants are intelligent and lead to great improvement.
She is also a friendly face with an open door who is always willing to listen to your problems, both work-related and personal, no matter how many things she has on her plate. Her inexhaustible kindness, support, and optimism motivate us to achieve our academic aims and to overcome seemingly insurmountable academic hurdles.
This past year she gave a brilliant presentation at ASN Kidney Week, a skill previously unwitnessed that only added to our opinion of Susan as a model of professionalism, a mentor and a friend.
-Jill Lebov & Elizabeth Dehmer