The North Carolina/Raleigh Vasculitis Support Group met on Saturday, May 2, 2009 at Duke University’s John Hope Franklin Center in Durham. There were 35 in attendance, including 20 vasculitis patients.

The meeting speaker was Dr. Melanie Joy, Associate Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacotherapy in the UNC Kidney Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Among other things, Dr. Joy talked about the results of her study of cellcept and cytoxan in ANCA vasculitis in which many of us participated. It was rewarding to hear from Dr. Joy of the huge amount of information gained from our participation in this study.
We had lots of time to visit and talk with each other – and probably could have kept talking even longer. Our next meeting will be in the fall of 2009. If you or someone you know is interested in attending, please feel free to contact me.
-Elaine Holmes