The Raven Rock Ramble, Kidney Kare 5K, and the Brewster Family Endowment Fund have all contributed to the need.

The 2011 Raven Rock Ramble, an established century bicycle ride organized by David Cole, a kidney transplant recipient, the UNC Kidney Kare 5K Run/Walk directed by the UNC Kidney Center’s Suzie Hosman, and the Brewster Family Endowment Fund have contributed over $15,000 to assist UNC dialysis and transplant patients with emergent needs since last July.
UNC nephrology social workers, transplant coordinators, nurse clinicians and physicians identify patients with urgent financial challenges related to subsistence, dental, medication and utility and transportation expenses.
The chart here depicts the distribution of fiscal year 2010-2011 awards by category of need.
“This financial assistance is making a difference in patients’ clinical outcomes and in the quality of their lives”, says Donna Harward, Director of Education and Outreach. Participants in the Raven Rock Ramble, the Kidney Kare Run and the Brewster family are to be congratulated on this generous and important effort.
Click here to read more information on the funds in the April KEOP Filter newsletter