Gerald Hladik, MD, Chief of the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, has announced the appointment of Keisha Gibson, MD, MPH, as Chief of Pediatric Nephrology

“It is with great pleasure that we announce Dr. Gibson’s appointment in pediatric nephrology,” said Gerald Hladik, MD. “Dr. Gibson has dedicated her life to the care of our youngest patients, and she plays a valuable role in our research efforts, advancing treatment of pediatric kidney disorders and glomerular disorders that affect not only children but also adults.
“Dr. Gibson is also dedicated to bringing greater diversity to the School of Medicine, manifest in her work on the Admissions Committee, her devoted participation in diversity initiatives in the Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, and her mentorship of all, from young adults to seasoned faculty. She leads by setting a standard of excellence in patient care and her devotion to her patients, their families, and the University community. She is the ultimate Tarheel.”
Dr. Gibson earned her medical degree and completed her fellow training at UNC’s School of Medicine. During her fellowship, she also earned a master’s degree from the UNC School of Public Health in Epidemiology. In 2008, she joined the faculty in the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, and in 2012, she assumed the role of Director of the Pediatric Nephrology Training Program. Most recently, she served as Interim Chief for Pediatric Nephrology. Currently, she is a co-investigator on several multicenter research studies in glomerular diseases.
“As an advocate for pediatric patients and their specialized kidney needs, I’m honored to receive this appointment,” said Dr. Gibson. “I’m a true believer in the idea that to whom much is given, much is expected. My ultimate professional goal is to strengthen the care of our young patients with kidney disease through research and education. I strive to promote a strong division of faculty and junior learners, who see no limits in what they can achieve.”
Dr. Gibson’s research is focused on ethnic and socioeconomic disparities and their impact on the outcomes of patients with glomerular diseases like lupus and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. She is investigating the genotypic and clinical predictors of treatment response and long-term renal survival in African Americans affected by glomerular disease.
Dr. Gibson doesn’t consider herself an accidental nephrologist. “Having seen the ravages of kidney disease on several family members, I entered medical school determined to become a nephrologist, and I’m eternally indebted to many individuals who provided opportunity and mentorship over the years, including but not limited to, the late Mr. Larry Keith and the MED Program, Dr. Ronald Falk (Chair of Medicine), and countless colleagues.”
On a national level, Dr. Gibson is helping to lead efforts with the American Society of Nephrology through initiatives that improve diversity and inclusiveness. In her local community, she’s dedicated to supporting programs that expose youth to careers in math and science. Dr. Gibson is a native of Durham and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, age 6 and 11.