Cure Glomerulonephropathy (CureGN) Network
Principal Investigator: Ronald Falk, MD
Sponsors: National Institutes of Health, NIDDK, Nephcure Kidney International
Age Range: All ages
Status: Enrollment open
Purpose: The CureGN project is a multicenter cohort study that will enroll will 2,400 children and adults with the following glomerular diseases: minimal change disease (MCD), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), membranous nephropathy (MN), and IgA nephropathy (IGAN).
Participants will be followed longitudinally to better understand the causes of disease, response to therapy, and disease progression, with the ultimate objective to cure glomerulonephropathy.
Study Procedures: Blood samples, urine samples and various types of information are obtained from participants. Biospecimens are stored in biorepositories and are made available to researchers for approved research studies.
Participation: Participation lasts for up to four years, but will be ongoing as funding allows. During the first year, there are 2 required in person visits and two required remote (by phone) visits. In every other year, there is one required in-person visit and 2 required remote visits. When possible, study visits are scheduled to coincide with regularly scheduled clinic appointments. Each visit lasts approximately 45 minutes.
For additional information contact:
Maggie D’Angelo
Caroline Poulton