NEPTUNE (The Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network)
Principal Investigator: Vimal Derebail, MD, MPH and Keisha Gibson, MD, MPH
Sponsors: National Institutes of Health, NIDDK, Nephcure Kidney International, University of Michigan
Age Range: 2 to 79
Status: Enrollment open
Purpose: The purpose of this multi-center, observational research study is to learn more about three diseases which cause nephrotic syndrome: Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), Minimal Change Disease (MCD), and Membranous Nephropathy (MN). By collecting health information and laboratory samples from individuals who have these diseases and by making this information available to researchers, we hope to gain new knowledge about these diseases and to find better treatments for them.
Study Procedures: Kidney tissue, blood and urine samples, and various types of information are obtained from participants. Biospecimens are stored in biorepositories and are made available to researchers for approved research studies.
Participation: Participation lasts for 3 years. During the first year, there are 4 study visits. There are two study visits in year 2 and in year 3. When possible, study visits are scheduled to coincide with regularly scheduled clinic appointments. Each visit lasts approximately 45 minutes.
For additional information contact:
Sandy Grubbs