Community Outreach
KEOP in North Carolina
The following map represents the KEOP presence across NC counties in the past, including media campaigns using local citizens as awareness spokespersons and billboards promoting the importance of increased organ donation and kidney education. To see some of our more recent outreach efforts, please see Keep Up With the KEOP.
The KEOP has 3 major community and evidence-based emphases:
- Conversations to raise awareness about CKD and its primary risk factors
- CKD screenings for persons at increased risk for developing CKD
- CKD awareness media campaigns
If you would like for someone from the KEOP to visit your community to engage in conversations about the ways that associated chronic illnesses affect kidney health and the role of good self-management in preventing CKD or in slowing its progression, contact Jill Powell, MPH, Program Coordinator, at 919-445-2618 or