PDOPPS: The Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study
Principal Investigator: Cindy Denu-Ciocca, MD
Sponsor: Arbor Research Collaborative for Health
Age Range: 18 years and older
Status: Enrolling
Purpose: The Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study is designed to advance our understanding of optimal practices for peritoneal dialysis patients worldwide. Our hope is that the study will increase the appropriate use of PD, extend technique survival, reduce mortality, and improve quality of life for PD patients. The primary aim is to understand the impact of modifiable practices in the management of PD patients on the risk of all-cause peritoneal dialysis technique failure. Secondary aims include assessing the impact of the modifiable practices on:
1. All-cause mortality and time-dependent PD technique failure.
2. Time-dependent PD technique failure.
3. Cause-specific PD technique failure
4. PD-related complications
5. Patient-reported outcomes
Study Procedures: Prevalent and incident PD patients who are receiving peritoneal dialysis through the Carrboro Dialysis Center will be randomized to be asked to participate. Interested patients will be asked to complete an annual survey that includes satisfaction and health-related quality of life issues. Detailed information on selected patients, facility protocols, and physician practices will be obtained at various time points throughout the study over a 3 year period. These data will be analyzed at both the subject- and facility-levels, thereby providing the opportunity to monitor practice and policy changes and their effects on clinical outcomes such as time on PD therapy, mortality, hospitalization, and quality of life.
Participation: The study will last for 3 years.
For more information, please contact:
Sandy Grubbs