2011 graduating trainees include Liz Dehmer, MD, Kristel Jernigan, MD, Palak Parikh, MD, and Adam Stern, MD.

June 22, 2011
A special ceremony was held on the afternoon of June 22 for the four clinical nephrology trainees who have completed their subspecialty fellowships. Liz Dehmer will be continuing her renal epidemiology fellowship at UNC, Kristel Jernigan will practice transplant nephrology at Eastern Nephrology Associates in Greenville, NC, Palak Parikh will be moving to New York City, and Adam Stern will be practicing at Capitol Nephrology in Raleigh, NC.
The graduating fellows presented the 2011 Maestro Award to Dr. John Edwards.
The Maestro Award, named after former fellowship director Romulo Colindres, is presented annually to the faculty member who has shown outstanding commitment and excellence in teaching.