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Neyhart Scholarship created to help support kidney patients

March 13, 2015
Scholarship created by Clara and Greg Neyhart will support patients with kidney disease or children of patients with kidney disease. Clara and Greg Neyhart have recently created the Neyhart Scholarship to support patients with kidney disease or children of patients with kidney disease. Clara and Greg believe that education often...

Article on UNC Kidney Center’s Nephrology Nursing Initiative awarded Clinical Writing Award of the Year by the Nephrology Nursing Journal

March 13, 2015
Clara Neyhart is Senior Author on article “A new nursing model for the care of patients with chronic kidney disease: the UNC Kidney Center Nephrology Nursing Initiative.” A journal article describing the conception and implementation of the UNC Kidney Center’s Nephrology Nursing Initiative (NNI) featured in the March/April issue of...

UNC Kidney Center’s “Transform Lives: Be an Organ Donor” campaign exhibits at the UNC Donate Life Health Fair

March 13, 2015
Campaign has included billboards, community information sessions and integration of information at clinics. In honor of Donate Life Month, the Kidney Education Outreach program (KEOP) highlighted its efforts to spread awareness about transplantation and organ donation at the UNC Donate Life Health Fair. Outreach efforts for the “Transform Lives: Be...

Patient Assistance Funds Boosted by Recent Kidney Center Events and Contributions

March 13, 2015
The Raven Rock Ramble, Kidney Kare 5K, and the Brewster Family Endowment Fund have all contributed to the need. The 2011 Raven Rock Ramble, an established century bicycle ride organized by David Cole, a kidney transplant recipient, the UNC Kidney Kare 5K Run/Walk directed by the UNC Kidney Center’s Suzie...

Vasculitis Patient and Family Symposium A Success

March 12, 2015
The Vasculitis Foundation and its North Carolina/Raleigh Chapter hosted a symposium for patients and families in Chapel Hill on May 14, 2011. More than 145 patients, family members and health care professionals participated. The full day program focused on Leading Edge Research and Strategies for Living with Vasculitis. The day...

15th International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop Attracts Top Clinical and Basic Science Researchers to UNC

March 12, 2015
Over 400 world-renowned clinicians and scientists converged at the George Watts Hill Alumni Center to share the latest best practices, trial results and research discoveries in the basic understanding, diagnosis and treatment of vasculitis at the 15th International Vasculitis and ANCA Workshop. A partnership between the UNC Kidney Center, UNC...

Research at the UNC Kidney Center Reveals a Genetic Link with PR3-ANCA Disease

March 12, 2015
A genetics study has shown that African Americans with a particular allele, or form of a gene, are more likely to develop PR3-ANCA disease. ANCAs are autoantibodies that attack the inside of a certain type of white blood cells called neutrophils. ANCA stands for Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibody. When ANCAs attack...

Kidney Center Bids Farewell to Four Trainees; 2011 Maestro Named

March 12, 2015
2011 graduating trainees include Liz Dehmer, MD, Kristel Jernigan, MD, Palak Parikh, MD, and Adam Stern, MD. June 22, 2011 A special ceremony was held on the afternoon of June 22 for the four clinical nephrology trainees who have completed their subspecialty fellowships. Liz Dehmer will be continuing her renal...

UNC Kidney Center faculty to speak at the American Society of Nephrology’s Kidney Week 2011

March 12, 2015
UNC Kidney Center faculty will be well represented at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN). Speakers at the annual meeting from the UNC Kidney Center include transplant nephrologist Randal Detwiler, pediatric nephrologist Maria Ferris, fellowship coordinator Gerald Hladik, renal pathologist J. Charles Jennette, nephrologist Patrick...

Spotlight on 2011 Fellows

March 12, 2015
Meet Dr. Lindsay Kruska Education: West Virginia UniversityB.S. Chemical Engineering, 2004 West Virginia University School of MedicineM.D. 2008 Training: Internal Medicine Resident, University of North Carolina Hospitals, 2008-2011 Where are you from? I was born in Lansing, Michigan and moved to West Virginia when I was 10. I stayed in...