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Developed with input from >150 stakeholders, this toolkit aims to foster research-ready dialysis clinic cultures by teaching patients, care partners, and clinic personnel about research, helping researchers work in the dialysis setting, and generating enthusiasm about dialysis research.

Written Materials

Spanish Brochure Preview

It would help if we were partners…instead of the entity who’s doing the research working to solve the problem, now everybody is helping with it.

Research is not about money. It’s about knowing that we are doing something to benefit patients in the long run.


Video and Brochure: Answers questions like “What is research?”, “How do researchers keep study participants safe?” and “Why might I want to participate in research?”

  • Clinics: Show the video on treatment station screens and share the brochure on “lobby days.”
  • Researchers: Use the toolkit to promote research interest among patients, clinic personnel, and medical providers in dialysis clinics where you hope to conduct studies.
  • Dialysis Organizations and Patient Advocacy Groups: Share the toolkit (websites, social media) as a resource for individuals seeking to conduct and/or participate in dialysis research.

Lunch & Learn Discussion Guide: Use to facilitate a 20-30 minute lunch & learn session or clinic personnel meeting about dialysis research. The discussion questions are designed to foster conversation about research concepts and concerns among all dialysis clinic personnel, regardless of role or research experience.

Tips for Researchers Conducting Studies in Dialysis Settings: Review when planning to conduct dialysis research. With input from over 150 dialysis stakeholders, these highlight the issues that dialysis patients and clinic personnel care about most.

Workshop Materials

Workshop Reflections & Summary

Workshop Findings

Research Team

Video Production Team

  • Terence Oliver, Animator (UNC School of Journalism and Media)
  • Darrel Greene, Audio Producer (Jesty Beatz Productions)
  • Robb Kehoe, Instructional Media Producer (UNC School of Medicine)
Video Talent

Thank you to our fearless stakeholder panel who supported these efforts in hopes of creating better futures for individuals receiving dialysis!

  • Richard Fissel, Patient
  • Cynthia Christiano, Nephrologist (East Carolina University)
  • Jessica Farrell, Social Worker (Fresenius Medical Care)
  • Barbara Gillespie, Nephrologist & Vice President (Covance)
  • Jay Ginsberg, Nephrologist (Southeastern Connecticut Nephrology Associates)
  • Colleen Jabaut, Nurse Manager (Fresenius Medical Care)
  • Jenny Kitsen, Former ESRD Network of New England director
  • Brigitte Schiller, Nephrologist & CMO (Satellite Healthcare)
  • Terry Sullivan, Operations (Fresenius Medical Care/Renal Research Institute)
  • Amy Young, Vice President (DaVita Clinical Research)

Toolkit materials funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Engagement Award #3253.

“Dialysis Research” Copyright © 2018 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
You may use, reproduce, and distribute “Dialysis Research” free of charge, provided your distribution to third parties is free of charge. Other than adding your name, contact information and logo, you may not make any modifications to the work without the permission of Jennifer Flythe ( 919-445-2656). Dialysis Research does not endorse any products or services. This copyright and permission notice shall be included in all copies of Dialysis Research.